冰川銀行控股公司(Glacier Bancorp, Inc.)作為冰川銀行(Glacier Bank)的銀行控股公司,在美國為個人、中小型企業、社區組織和公共實體提供商業銀行服務。它提供不計息存款和計息存款帳戶,如可轉讓支票存款和活期存款帳戶、儲蓄帳戶、貨幣市場存款帳戶、定期存款證、協商利率的大額存單和個人退休帳戶。該公司還提供住宅房地產的建築和永久性貸款;消費者土地或地塊收購貸款;未開發土地和土地開發貸款;以及包括預售和投機性房屋建築以及地塊收購貸款的住宅建築商指導額度。此外,它還提供商業房地產貸款,用於購買、建造和為商業房地產物業提供融資;由房地產、汽車或其他資產擔保的消費者貸款;薪資保護計劃貸款;包括次級抵押貸款和以業主自住1-4家庭房產為擔保的一級和次級抵押貸款額度的房屋股權貸款;以及農業貸款。此外,該公司還提供抵押貸款發起和貸款服務。它擁有224個地點,包括在8個州的75個縣內的188個分行和36個貸款或行政辦公室,這些州包括蒙大拿州、愛達荷州、猶他州、華盛頓州、懷俄明州、科羅拉多州、亞利桑那州和內華達州。該公司成立於1955年,總部位於蒙大拿州卡利斯佩爾。
Glacier Bancorp, Inc. operates as the bank holding company for Glacier Bank that provides commercial banking services to individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, community organizations, and public entities in the United States. It offers non-interest bearing deposit and interest bearing deposit accounts, such as negotiable order of withdrawal and demand deposit accounts, savings accounts, money market deposit accounts, fixed rate certificates of deposit, negotiated-rate jumbo certificates, and individual retirement accounts. The company also provides construction and permanent loans on residential real estate; consumer land or lot acquisition loans; unimproved land and land development loans; and residential builder guidance lines comprising pre-sold and spec-home construction, and lot acquisition loans. In addition, it offers commercial real estate loans to purchase, construct, and finance commercial real estate properties; consumer loans secured by real estate, automobiles, or other assets; paycheck protection program loans; home equity loans consisting of junior lien mortgages, and first and junior lien lines of credit secured by owner-occupied 1-4 family residences; and agriculture loans. Further, the company provides mortgage origination and loan servicing services. It has 224 locations, including 188 branches and 36 loan or administration offices in 75 counties within 8 states comprising Montana, Idaho, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada. The company was founded in 1955 and is headquartered in Kalispell, Montana.
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