公共儲存公司(Public Storage)是標準普爾500指數和富時全球500指數的成員,是一家主要收購、開發、擁有和經營自我儲存設施的房地產投資信託基金(REIT)。截至2020年9月30日,我們擁有:(i)位於38個州的2,504個自我儲存設施,總淨可出租面積約為171百萬平方英尺,位於美國;(ii)在Shurgard Self Storage SA(布魯塞爾證券交易所:SHUR)擁有約35%的普通股權益,該公司擁有239個位於七個西歐國家的自我儲存設施,總淨可出租面積約為13百萬平方英尺,以Shurgard品牌經營;以及(iii)在PS Business Parks, Inc.(紐約證券交易所:PSB)擁有約42%的普通股權益,該公司於2020年9月30日擁有和經營約28百萬平方英尺的商業空間。我們的總部位於加利福尼亞州格倫代爾。
Public Storage, a member of the S&P 500 and FT Global 500, is a REIT that primarily acquires, develops, owns and operates self-storage facilities. At September 30, 2020, we had: (i) interests in 2,504 self-storage facilities located in 38 states with approximately 171 million net rentable square feet in the United States, (ii) an approximate 35% common equity interest in Shurgard Self Storage SA (Euronext Brussels:SHUR) which owned 239 self-storage facilities located in seven Western European nations with approximately 13 million net rentable square feet operated under the Shurgard brand and (iii) an approximate 42% common equity interest in PS Business Parks, Inc. (NYSE:PSB) which owned and operated approximately 28 million rentable square feet of commercial space at September 30, 2020. Our headquarters are located in Glendale, California.
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