阿根廷天然氣運輸公司Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A.從事天然氣運輸、生產和商業化天然氣液體業務。該公司通過四個業務部門運營:天然氣運輸服務、液體生產和商業化、其他服務,以及電信。天然氣運輸部門通過5,769英里的管道系統向配送公司、發電廠和工業客戶運輸天然氣。該公司還為天然氣運輸設施提供運營和維護服務。該公司的液體生產和商業化部門在阿根廷和國際上生產和商業化乙烷、液化石油氣、天然汽油、丙烷和丁烷等天然氣液體。其他服務部門提供中游服務,包括天然氣處理、分離和去除天然氣流中的雜質,以及天然氣壓縮。它還提供與管道和壓縮站建設、運營和維護相關的服務,並為發電提供蒸汽。電信部門提供包括微波數字網絡和暗纖光纖網絡在內的電信服務。截至2021年12月31日,該公司為620萬個住宅、商業、工業和電力發電終端用戶提供服務。該公司成立於1992年,總部位於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯。Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A.是Compañía de Inversiones de Energía S.A.的子公司。
Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. engages in transportation of natural gas, production, and commercialization of natural gas liquids in Argentina. The company operates through four segments: Natural Gas Transportation Services; Liquids Production and Commercialization; Other Services; and Telecommunications. The Natural Gas Transportation segment transports natural gas through 5,769 miles of pipeline system to distribution companies, power plants, and industrial customers. It also provides operation and maintenance services for the natural gas transportation facilities. The company's Liquids Production and Commercialization segment produces and commercializes natural gas liquids, such as ethane, liquid petroleum gas, natural gasoline, propane, and butane in Argentina and internationally. Its Other Services segment offers midstream services, including natural gas treatment, separation, and removal of impurities from the natural gas stream, as well as natural gas compression. It also provides services related to pipeline and compression plant construction, operation, and maintenance; and generates steam for electricity production. The Telecommunications segment provides telecommunication services with a network that includes a microwave digital network with synchronous digital hierarchy technology and a dark fiber optic network. As of December 31, 2021, it served 6.2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and electric power generation end users. The company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. is a subsidiary of Compañía de Inversiones de Energía S.A.
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