Privacy Policy

I. This Privacy Policy is established by Chihsiang AI Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). The Company strives to protect the personal information of members registered on the FindBillion website (hereinafter referred to as "the Website"). Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before browsing the Website. If you continue to use the Website, you are deemed to have agreed to this Privacy Policy.
II. Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Information:

(1) To provide members with more comprehensive services, the Company will collect, process, and use members' personal information within necessary limits. Except for the Company's affiliated or partner companies, the Company will not provide your personal information to third parties.

(2) Unless it is to protect significant interests such as national security, social crisis, severe infringement of personal rights, and protection of minors, the Company will not provide members' personal information to third parties without the members' consent.

(3) The Company uses members' personal information for website service matters such as verifying member identity, contacting members (via email), and processing member payments.

III. Protection of Members' Personal Information:

The Company has adopted protective measures to safeguard members' personal information. No one except personnel authorized by the Company has access to members' personal information.

IV. Use of Cookies Technology:

To provide more precise personalized services to members, the Website uses Cookies technology, which will record members' personal information and IP addresses.

V. Members' Rights:

Regarding the personal information collected by the Company and the Website, members may, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act, request to view, change, delete, or request the Company and the Website to cease collecting, processing, or using their information.

VI. Changes to the Privacy Policy:

The Company may make changes to the Privacy Policy when necessary and will notify members via email. If members continue to use the Website after receiving the email notification, they are deemed to have agreed to the Company's changes to the Privacy Policy.