Findbillion's Founding Purpose
Ordinary investors also hope to access analytical information from professional research teams. Therefore, Findbillion's initial purpose was to provide a website that analyzes Taiwan and US stocks using artificial intelligence and data science methods. This allows general investors to use these advanced analytical techniques to increase their chances of investment profitability. was established in 2012 and was one of the few platforms at the time that used data science and financial AI to analyze Taiwan and US stocks. In 2017, at the Taiwan AI Conference held at Academia Sinica, we shared our experience of participating in Kaggle competitions and publicly demonstrated our performance and analysis methods at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. Additionally, Findbillion has shared related technologies at various institutions including Taiwan AI Academy, University of Kaohsiung, National Cheng Kung University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, COSCUP, Ming Chuan University, and MasterTalks. In 2021, Findbillion officially began providing services to the public, dedicated to researching and developing AI and fintech-related technologies.
Founder's Investment Performance Using Findbillion
Development History
Related news reports
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Financial Technology Related Patents
We have currently obtained three patents: