Quarterly EPS Trend Analysis
Growth Trend of Quarterly Net Income for Light & Wonder, Inc.(LNW).
Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly EPS Growth Rate
Quarter-over-Quarter EPS Growth Rate | 3.9% |
Year-over-Year Quarterly EPS Growth Rate | 32.5% |
Correlation Analysis between Quarterly EPS and Stock Price
Analyze the correlation between Light & Wonder, Inc.(LNW) stock price and seasonally adjusted quarterly EPS. If there is a moderate to high correlation, the overall seasonally adjusted quarterly EPS can be used to estimate whether the stock price is reasonable.
Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly EPS and stock price of Light & Wonder, Inc. (LNW) show a Low Correlation. The higher the correlation, the greater the reference value.
The Coefficient of Determination
between Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly EPS and Stock Price
Low Correlation 0
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2. The information is not complete; for comprehensive data, please refer to the relevant websites.
3. All stock market data analyses are subject to survivorship bias.