Last updated 2024-11-21 03:30:09 (EST)

Quarterly Revenue Trend Analysis

Growth Trend of Quarterly Revenue for Vodafone Group Public Limited Company (VOD).

Trend Chart of Adjusted Quarterly Revenue vs. Stock Price Trend Chart for Vodafone Group Public Limited Company (VOD)

Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Revenue Growth Rate tooltip

Quarter-over-Quarter Revenue Growth Rate1.8%
Year-over-Year Quarterly Revenue Growth Rate30.8%
As of 2024-03-31

Correlation Analysis between Quarterly Revenue and Stock Price

Analyze the correlation between Vodafone Group Public Limited Company(VOD) stock price and seasonally adjusted quarterly revenue. If there is a moderate to high correlation, the overall seasonally adjusted quarterly revenue can be used to estimate whether the stock price is reasonable.

Scatter Plot of Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Revenue vs. Stock Price for Vodafone Group Public Limited Company (VOD)

Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Revenue and stock price of Vodafone Group Public Limited Company (VOD) show a Low Correlation. The higher the correlation, the greater the reference value.

The Coefficient of Determination
between Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Revenue and Stock Price

Low Correlation 0.18


1. The information provided is for reference only and does not constitute any guarantee of profits or specific stock and price point recommendations.

2. The information is not complete; for comprehensive data, please refer to the relevant websites.

3. All stock market data analyses are subject to survivorship bias.
