Quarterly Net Income Trend Analysis
Overall Quarterly Net Income Growth Trend of Industrials Sector Companies.
Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Net Income Growth Rate
QoQ Growth Rate of Net Income | -3.4% |
YoY Growth Rate of Net Income | 11% |
Correlation Analysis between Quarterly Revenue and Stock Price
Determine the correlation between the stock price of the Industrials Sector ETF (XLI) and the seasonally adjusted overall quarterly net income of Industrials sector companies. If there is a moderate to high correlation, the overall seasonally adjusted quarterly revenue can be used to estimate whether the stock price is reasonable.
Industrials Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Net Income and stock price of Industrials Sector show a Low Correlation. The higher the correlation, the greater the reference value.
The Coefficient of Determination
between Industrials Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Net Income and Stock Price
Low Correlation 0.33
Related Stocks
Related Industrials sector stocks, along with their quarterly revenue growth rates (QoQ and YoY).
1. The information provided is for reference only and does not constitute any guarantee of profits or specific stock and price point recommendations.
2. The information is not complete; for comprehensive data, please refer to the relevant websites.
3. All stock market data analyses are subject to survivorship bias.