Last updated 2024-09-19 04:09:16 (EDT)

Return Analysis

Analyze the 30-Day SEC Yield of iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF (SHY) and estimate its price for this year.

Key Point 130-Day SEC Yield tooltip


Key Point 2Estimated Price for This Year tooltip


The median of the FED's interest rate dot plot for this year is 4.4 %

The current effective FED rate is 5.33 %

Treasury Yield

Treasury Yield Data and Analysis for iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF(SHY)

Information of Treasury Yield

30-Day SEC Yield3.74%
12-Month Dividend Yield3.67%
Yield to Maturity (YTM)3.66%

Treasury Yield Analysis

Average Maturity Duration1.92 years
Average Duration1.83 years

Estimated Median Value Based on the Interest Rate Dot Plot

Estimate future ETF prices based on the FED's interest rate dot plot and the historical correlation with yields. The current effective FED rate is 5.33%

Estimate for the Year Median Interest Rate
Based on FED Dot Plot
Corresponding Treasury Name Estimated Rate
for Corresponding Treasury
Estimated ETF Price
20244.4% DGS24.29% $81
20253.4% DGS23.45% $81.8
20262.9% DGS23.03% $82.3
20272.9% DGS23.03% $82.3


1. The information provided is for reference only and does not constitute any guarantee of profits or specific stock and price point recommendations.

2. The information is not complete; for comprehensive data, please refer to the relevant websites.

3. All stock market data analyses are subject to survivorship bias.
